Digital Transformation
We help our clients with operating precision.
Delane offers extensive end-to-end experience building all aspects of a Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Analytics organization from the ground up.
From designing and structuring the organization, building COEs, applying processes, using Portfolio, Benefits Management, and Agile Frameworks, making Platform/Tool recommendations, all the way to staffing with hard-to-find expert talent, we can take your business to the next level.
Big Data is moving to a new stage of maturity. The availability of greater volumes and sources of data is, for the first time, enabling capabilities in Data Analytics, A.I., and machine learning that remained dormant for decades due to lack of data availability.
Big Data Analytics is the process of examining large and varied data sets to uncover: Hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences, and other useful information that can help organizations make more informed business decisions.
Big Data, A.I., and Data Analytics Services
Organizational Design & Transformation
Delane has experience running large transformation programs at Fortune 500 companies. Our consultants assess the maturity of the organization and their appetite for change and recommend a robust and efficient organizational structure that has the highest change for success.
Niche Talent Acquisition
Experienced data scientists and analysts are rare and difficult to find. Delane has a very strong track record of finding such unicorns in the market for our clients which include Fortune 20 companies.
Program Management
Delane offers end-to-end Program Management consulting based on industry standards such as MSP (Managing Successful Programs), PMI, Agile etc. We mitigate your risk, create cross-functional alignment, clearly communicate expectations, and ensure that your organization achieves key outcomes and program benchmarks.
This is a very important Program Management principle that provides strategic clarity. Delane has partnered with a global benefits realization vendor to tailor Benefits Management for your program.
Portfolio Design & Management
Delane aligns very closely with your business teams to define key portfolio identifiers to help identify and prioritize projects that generate the greatest benefit and highest impact. Delane also offers simple, easy to use tools for PPM.
Processes & Tools for Managing the Analytics Life Cycle
Delane has extensive experience building out a rich tool-set for Issue Management, Tracking, and Project management using the Atlassian product suite.
Our Approach
Delane provides:
Talent Acquisition Services
To find experts with the right combination of skills for our clients.
Program Evaluation Services
To identify and fill in gaps and resources.
Program Management Expertise
In the areas of Big Data, A.I., and Data Analytics.
Organizational Alignment
In the areas of Big Data, A.I., and Data Analytics.
Case Study

A major Telecommunications company approached Delane to help form a Center of Excellence (CoE) for Data Analytics to address fragmentation in a number of areas:

C-Suite requested and approved Delane engagement.
Multi-year roadmap created for addressing people, process, technology, and culture.
Introduced methodology and tools for Agile, MSP (Managing Successful Programs), and Benefits Management across pilot teams.
Implemented Process Improvement programs across multiple organizations.
Introduced several community practices to help enhance cross functional-communication across the organization.
Established rationalization controls for vendor and tool spending.
Prioritized strategic differentiators like ChatBots and Robotic Process Automation.